Do you know how many square feet your home is? Is it less than 1000? For most of you, the answer to that question is no, but there is a large group of people who pride themselves in having a small home, some of them even live in a home less than 100 square feet.

There are many different reasons that people give for wanting to experience tiny living. They might feel like a small home will give them more time for friends and family, not needing to worry about taking care of their home, while others want to be able to be completely self-sufficient, using solar power and water collection to live completely off the grid.

While living in a small home is very unique, there is one thing that small homes have in common with larger ones, and that is the need to be built to certain standards. In fact, there are some specific things to keep in mind when building a small home that might not be an issue with a normal size home. Getting a tiny home inspected can give you peace of mind that it will be a safe place to live in that will last for a long time.

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