There Is No Fire Without Smoke

Do you know what one of the biggest risks is for a home? Something that could lead to a complete loss of your home. Of course, fire is a danger that every homeowner should be aware of, but unfortunately, this doesn’t always mean that they have the proper protection....

Flooring at a Good Price

A type of flooring that has been around for a while and can give you an affordable new floor is laminate flooring. It is an environmentally friendly material since it can be made using recycled materials, so if that is a concern for you, you will find it a positive....

Your Home and the Rain

A home really has one primary “function” – to keep outside, well… outside. Yes, there are a lot of other functions, like being comfortable, warm, etc. But when it comes right down to it, a home protects us from the elements outside. One of the...

Gutters and Your Home

Gutters are a very important part of your home and your roof system. On top of that though, your gutters also keep moisture away from your home, out of your basement, and protect your home in other ways. Many times on an inspection, there are parts of the gutter...

When Your Shower Drain Isn’t Working

Is your shower draining slowly? Do you find yourself standing in a few inches of dirty water after you are done cleaning up in the morning? No one wants that, but it is something that could easily happen. All of us shed at least some hair every day, and the shower is...

A Sturdy Siding Choice

How is the siding on your home? Is it time to replace it? If so, you have a wide range of different materials to choose from. One that we are considering today is aluminum. This metal is not just used for soda cans, it also makes a good siding material that has been...
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