Is your shower draining slowly? Do you find yourself standing in a few inches of dirty water after you are done cleaning up in the morning? No one wants that, but it is something that could easily happen. All of us shed at least some hair every day, and the shower is the place where most of them end up coming loose. If several people dump their hair down the drain daily, you will soon have a buildup of hair and soap creating a clog that will slow down water-flow to a crawl.

To prevent this from happening in the first place, you should ensure that you have something in place that collects the hair before it makes it down the drain. To clean it up, on the other hand, you will most likely need some work.

One of the best ways to get these clogs out of the way is to use a wire hanger to pull the hair out. If you make a small hook at the end of the wire, you should be able to pull the hair out. It’s going to be a pretty disgusting collection of stuff, so you want to have a plastic bag or something similar to dump it into nearby.

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