Being burned by hot water is a terrible experience, and it is a lot worse when happening to young children or older ones since they have slower reactions and more sensitive skin. The water that your water heater puts out can be as hot as 160 degrees, so it could scald your skin in a matter of minutes.

One of the things that are necessary in a home to prevent something like that from happening is an anti-scald valve. This valve will mix the incoming hot and cold water to get it to a safer level. While it is fairly simple, it is possible that the valve can fail, and need to be replaced.

Of course, you should avoid having your water heater set for a temperature that is too high. Usually, you can keep it a lot lower than the 160, which will make it less likely that a failed anti-scald valve will be as serious.

So how can you tell if there is an issue with your anti-scald valve? One telltale sign is when the temperature of your water changes quickly when someone else turns on a faucet or flushes a toilet.

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